Bob Hunter is a Plein-Air Artist, who works with various mediums. He's equally comfortable with oils, pastels, pencils and watercolors.

He’s been interested in art all his life. He was doing artwork from the time he first held a pencil.

Everyone encouraged Bob to pursue his art. As a teenager, he sold his paintings to neighbors. It motivated him to pursue art as a career.

Bob graduated from the Art Institute of Boston with a AFA. He did his graduate work at Boston University, where he earned both a BFA and an MFA.

He studied under Arthur Polanski and Philip Guston at BU. Their influence gifted him with a classical fine arts education. He was grounded in traditional studio training while gaining an extensive background in Art History.

After graduating college, Bob worked as an art instructor, teaching general ceramic design at American University. Later, he worked for the Archdiocese of Washington Schools where he taught fine arts drawing, painting and art history. He also taught private art classes and lectured.

As Bob's family grew, he transitioned from teaching into IT Network Engineering and Communications.

In retirement, he is returning to his roots as a fulltime artist. His work merges representational figurative elements with free spirited abstract colorist expression.